1-Sentence-Summary: The Daily Laws is a page-a-day, calendar-style book covering the three big topics of mastery, power, and emotions, sharing Robert Greeneā€™s best lessons from 20 years of research of the dynamics within and between humans.

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The Daily Laws Summary

If your son had worked some 60 odd jobs by the time he was 36, would you write him off as a lost cause? Itā€™s a brutal question, but itā€™s hard to imagine any parent wouldnā€™t at least be deeply worried. And yet, in Robert Greeneā€™s case, everything ultimately turned out more than just fine.

After what can only be called ā€œa rough startā€ ā€” and thatā€™s an extreme understatement ā€” Greene has now published multiple million-copy bestsellers. After researching the dynamics within and between humans for more than 20 years, he decided to curate the best of his many ā€œlawsā€ from his books. The result is The Daily Laws, a 366-page compendium with short, daily life lessons.

The book is structured like a calendar, but the months are sub-grouped into three major sections. Hereā€™s a lesson from one of each of them:

  1. Mastery is a lifelong journey, not a destination we arrive at.
  2. The game of power is always on, and there are only 3 ways to react to it.
  3. Avoid tactical hell by zooming out regularly in all kinds of life scenarios.

Ready to learn what Robert Greene has discovered after 20 years of analyzing the human mind? Letā€™s dig in!

Lesson 1: Mastery is a never-ending process ā€” it must be maintained, not attained.

Over the first three months, the book deals with mastery, about which Greene wrote a book of the same name.

Going back to his own journey to becoming a writer, Greene had loved words since he was a child, but a career in journalism didnā€™t pan out, and so he began bouncing from job to job. He kept writing on the side, however, and eventually, opportunity struck. Greene published The 48 Laws of Power, a book that sold over two million copies and changed his career.

If you asked him today, however, heā€™d still tell you heā€™s constantly learning. Greene believes mastery must be maintained, not attained. After discovering your ā€œlifeā€™s task,ā€ a process he likens to ā€œan archaeological digā€ rather than a magical revelation, you first must apprentice. Following years of mentorship, youā€™ll become a master ā€” but thatā€™s not where the journey ends.

In The One Thing, Gary Keller shared a great way of looking at it:

ā€œWhen you can see mastery as a path you go down instead of a destination you arrive at, it starts to feel accessible and attainable. Mastery is a way of thinking, a way of acting, and a journey you experience.ā€

No matter how good you are at your job, how famous you become, or how many books you sell, remember that you must always keep practicing, learning, and growing. Mastery is a path we walk, not a destination we arrive at.

Lesson 2: Power is a never-ending game thatā€™s always being played, and you can only embrace it, ignore it, or accept it.

Most of Greeneā€™s writing deals with power: how we attain and lose it, and the games people play to get and keep it. For five months, his daily laws cover various questions around power. One of the most fundamental yet important ones is that humans are always playing power games.

Whether you like it or not, people want power, and so wherever humans are involved, power struggles come into play ā€” pun intended. There are only three ways to deal with the fact that life is a never-ending game of power:

  1. Embrace it. Many people love power games. Unfortunately, the Machiavellis out there often lose their power due to corruption and being too desperate for it.
  2. Ignore it. Others pretend power doesnā€™t exist or turn up their nose at anyone who gives in to a desire for status. But thatā€™s just opting out of a game everyone else plays. You can ā€” but youā€™ll also end up with no power.
  3. Accept it. A balanced person will choose when and which power games to play. You can sit out some of them but make sure you attain power where it really matters to you, and thus live a good life.

Power isnā€™t inherently good or bad. Like money or status, itā€™s just a tool. What it leads to depends on how you use it. Stay aware of the power games happening around you at all times, and then make conscious decisions about which ones you actually want to play.

Lesson 3: If you donā€™t want to get stuck in ā€œtactical hell,ā€ you must take a higher, wider, more long-term perspective regularly.

ā€œTactical hellā€ is a term Greene uses for the reactive mode all of us find ourselves in from time to time. Youā€™re so stressed out, you donā€™t even know where to begin. Deadlines, chores, the demands of friends and family ā€” itā€™s all too much, and all you can do is react, react, react. But thatā€™s not living. Thatā€™s just being pushed around by lifeā€™s events and your emotions.

In order to combat tactical hell, we must ā€œtake an elevated perspective,ā€ Greene says. What does that mean? Zoom out! Remember the big picture. Think about how big life is, and how small your problems in comparison. Consider the long-term view: Will your neighbor really stay angry at you forever because you blocked his driveway once?

Most of the battles you find yourself in arenā€™t really battles you have to fight. You can disengage. Take a breath when life gets stressful. Write an angry email but donā€™t send it. Remember your mortality, and think about long-term consequences rather than short-term discomfort. Take these steps, and youā€™ll rarely get stuck in tactical hell!

The Daily Laws Review

In Simon Sinekā€™s The Infinite Game, there is an exercise to discover your ā€œJust Cause.ā€ When I did it for Four Minute Books, I realized our larger purpose was this: We want to build a world in which every person reads at least one page a day, and no human, child or adult, is afraid to open any book.

ā€œRead a page, save the day.ā€ Thatā€™s the mantra we want you to adopt, and in that sense, The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature is the perfect tool. Try reading a page a day, and if it doesnā€™t stick, just flick around to see which laws grab you the most!

Fun fact: Ryan Holiday was Greeneā€™s mentee, and he likely helped him with this book, which is very similar to The Daily Stoic, an equally valuable and easy-to-read book.

Who would I recommend the Daily Laws summary to?

The 33-year-old frustrated project manager who canā€™t seem to get ahead at his job, the 46-year-old successful painter whoā€™s wondering where next to take her career, and anyone who wants to get an overview of Robert Greeneā€™s work.